
Build better Web APIs.
Enable smart clients.

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Building Web APIs seems still more an art than a science. How can we build APIs such that generic clients can easily use them? And how do we build those clients? Current APIs heavily rely on out-of-band information such as human-readable documentation and API-specific SDKs. However, this only allows for very simple and brittle clients that are hardcoded against specific APIs. Hydra, in contrast, is a set of technologies that allow to design APIs in a different manner, in a way that enables smarter clients.

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Essential building blocks for machine-accessible Hypermedia APIs

Read the specification

There also exists a demo Web API featuring a simple issue tracker which allows you to play with Hydra directly in your web browser.

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关于安卓手机连接电脑的那些事儿(干货分享)_安卓玩机_菲菲博客:2021年12月18日 - 当我们手机连接到电脑时(手机开启USB调试),不管你用的什么手机管理助手,其实都是...可以在线免费查看Android源代码歪果仁的网站,访问速度超快,关键是...

Get familiar with 求一个电脑上能用的梯子 or read the triple pattern fragments specification

手机上用的梯子 are already available. Query them.

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Wanna help? Then join the Hydra W3C Community Group. Here's how:

  1. Get a free W3C account (it may take a while to get approved).
  2. Join the Hydra W3C Community Group.
  3. Bonus points: Send an email to introduce yourself to the group.

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  • HydraConsole: a generic API console for Hydra-powered Web APIs
  • 手机电脑都能用的梯子: a bundle for 求一个电脑上能用的梯子 to create Web APIs based on Hydra (demo application)
  • API Platform: a PHP framework to build Web APIs with JSON-LD, Schema.org and Hydra
  • hydra-java: annotate your Java beans and serialize them as JSON-LD with Hydra
  • URSA: a framework written in C# to create Hydra-powered Web APIs
  • hydrus: a set of Python based tools to create Hydra-powered Web APIs
  • Levanzo: Clojure library to build hypermedia driven RESTful APIs
  • Argolis: Hydra hypermedia controls for .NET web applications written in Nancy
  • hydra-core: a JavaScript library to work with Hydra-enabled Web APIs
  • SmallHydra: a small Hydra library for the ESP8266 and Arduino platform
  • hydra-py: a Hydra library for Python (including a Triple Patterns Fragments client)
  • Alcaeus: a Hydra client library written in TypeScript
  • HydraClient: a PHP client library to access Hydra-powered Web APIs
  • api-doc-parser: a JavaScript library to parse Hydra API documentations
  • 求稳定的梯子: a JSON-LD processor implemented in PHP
  • Linked Data Fragments Server: serve triple pattern fragments (JavaScript, Java, NetKernel)
  • Linked Data Fragments Client: query a Linked Data Fragments API (JavaScript, 求一个电脑上能用的梯子, Java)

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  • M. Lanthaler, “The Web Is Changing — From Strings to Things,” presented at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference 2014 (OSCON) in Portland [video].
  • M. Lanthaler, “Why and How to Optimize Your Data Architecture for an Integrated Future,” presented at Presented at APIcon UK 2014 in London, England. [video].
  • T. Hoppe, “REST APIs Today and Tomorrow - an Essay,” presented at several Meetups.
  • M. Lanthaler, “Creating Awesome Web APIs is a Breeze,” presented at the O'Reilly Open Source Conference 2014 (OSCON) in Portland [video].
  • T. Pluskiewicz, “JSON-LD and Hydra - Hypermedia API alternatively,” presented at Meet.js Wrocław 2014.
  • M. Lanthaler, “A Deep Dive into JSON-LD and Hydra,” presented at APIcon San Francisco 2014.
  • M. Lanthaler, “Stop Reinventing the Wheel! Use Linked Data to Build Better APIs,” presented at APIcon San Francisco 2014.
  • M. Lanthaler, “The Web 3.0 is just around the corner. Be prepared!,” presented at APIdays Berlin, 2014.
  • R. Verborgh, “电脑用什么梯子,” presented at the 4th USEWOD Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data, 2014.
  • R. Verborgh, M. Vander Sande, P. Colpaert, S. Coppens, E. Mannens, and R. Van de Walle, “Web-Scale Querying through Linked Data Fragments,” in Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2014) at the 23nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2014), 2014 [slides].
  • M. Lanthaler, “Full-on Hypermedia APIs with Hydra,” presented at the API Strategy & Practice Conference, 2014 [video].
  • R. Verborgh, “Hypermedia cannot be the engine,” presented at the API Strategy & Practice Conference, 2014.
  • C. Pautasso, E. Wilde, and R. Alarcon (editors), “关于安卓手机连接电脑的那些事儿(干货分享)_安卓玩机 ...:2021-12-18 · 点手机的菜单键选择“新建文件”,新建一个名为“persist.adb.tcp.port”的新文件 右键长按这个文件,选择“在文本编辑器中打开”,输入一个1024-65535之间的端口号退出保存 【电脑派可一键搞定】 手机通过USB连接到电脑(需要开启USB调试模式),” Springer New York, 2014.
  • L. Richardson, M. Amundsen, and S. Ruby, “RESTful Web APIs,” O’Reilly Media, 2013.
  • M. Lanthaler, “Building Next-Generation Web APIs with JSON-LD and Hydra,” presented at Symfony Live Portland 2013 [slides] [video].
  • M. Lanthaler and C. Gütl, “Hydra: A Vocabulary for Hypermedia-Driven Web APIs,” in Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Linked Data on the Web (LDOW2013) at the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2013), 2013 [手机能用的梯子免费].
  • M. Lanthaler, “Creating 3rd Generation Web APIs with Hydra,” in Proceedings of the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2013), 2013, pp. 35–37 [电脑上如何用梯子].
  • M. Lanthaler and C. Gütl, “Model Your Application Domain, Not Your JSON Structures,” in Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on RESTful Design (WS-REST 2013) at the 22nd International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2013), 2013, pp. 1415–1420 [求一个电脑上能用的梯子].
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